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Snacking Tips from A Disneyland Pro with @CalebGTravels

Show Summary

If you talk to most people who visit Disney often, one thing they will rave about is the snacks. Caleb from @CalebGTravels shares about some of his favorite and the most iconic snacks at both Disneyland and California Adventure.

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0:00 Intro

0:30 A little About Caleb: Mickey Beignets

26:13 Outro

Show Transcript

Welcome to the park Magic podcast, your place for insider tips for your next Disneyland Adventure. Whether you're a first timer or first time in a while visitor, we're here to unwrap the secrets to creating and simplifying your dream Disneyland vacation

A Little About Caleb: Mickey Beignets

I hope you're feeling a little bit like Winnie the Pooh because today we're going to be talking about snacks. I am so excited because I have Caleb from Caleb D Travels; he is on YouTube. That's the same handle that he has for all the socials. And he has been going to Disneyland for a really long time. I love your videos. There were a couple of them where I was like, I laughed at one of them so loud, my husband came into the other room. And I was like, "Don't mind me, I'm working. I'm not on Instagram." What are you talking about?


Thank you.


So I'm a Southern California kid, too. I grew up in SoCal. But you've been going since you were a kid as well, right?


So no, I'm actually not from Southern California. Yeah. So I live in LA now. But I grew up in Texas, and kind of like, I lived in Texas growing up in college, and lived on the East Coast in DC for a while, back in Texas briefly before LA. So actually, my Disney experiences growing up as a kid were exclusively Disney World, and even into some of my young adult years

The Joys of Snacking At Disneyland

Let’s go ahead and let's start talking about snacks. Because for me, sometimes I will skip a meal or two altogether and just snack throughout the day, because there are so many delicious snacks that are available at Disneyland.


Totally. I am the same way. This is like also one of the things that, I mean, I love Disney World. But I think our snack situation is superior at Disneyland because they certainly have some great stuff over there on the east coast. But we have just so many things that pop up seasonally, not just for festivals, but just every now and again. Obviously, we have stuff now for the 100th anniversary. Also, once you spend enough time at Disneyland and you go somewhat regularly, or even just a few times, you start to really realize just how much of a treat is to like enjoy Disney snacks at the parks.


People just think about the sweet ones. They're sweet. They're savory. What is your favorite Disneyland and then your favorite California Adventure snack?

Calebs Favorite Snack at Disneyland

My favorite Disneyland by far are the Mickey beignets that are usually at Mint Julep. That combo is my favorite. Like I just love venues in general but also getting them in the shape of a Mickey that is just like a Disney snack for me.


That’s one thing that I never had because I didn't know about them till after I was gluten-free. And I thought about like maybe I can just take a bite and spit it out, but because people just rave about them. Yes. What about California Adventure? What's your favorite snack over there?

Calebs Favorite Snack at California Adventure: Baymax Macaroon

My favorite snack? California Adventure. Oh my gosh, I had this like down earlier. Let me think about this. Okay, my favorite snack now at California Adventure is actually a new one and I hope it sticks around for a while and it's the Baymax Macaron at Lucky fortune. I really love macaron and sometimes honestly I think Disney's macarons are a little hit or miss depending on how well the Macron is made but I really love this one. It's like a chocolate and hazelnut mix.


Oh, that sounds delicious.


It is so tasty. It's not super heavy. It's pretty light. I also love Big Hero Six so I'm a fan of anything Big Hero Six themed so this is a new one. I love it and I've already gotten in a couple of times.

Snacks are Part of the Magic of Disneyland

I think that sometimes people are like, 'You need to calm down, why do I need a Dole Whip t-shirt?' But like, I know a lot of people that are really passionate about specific snacks, and I have memories of eating my frozen banana, like sitting on the edge of Main Street waiting for the parade to come by. They're like all of our memories and like these really great moments that we've had with our families, or you know, even just with friends, are kind of tied in with the smells and the tastes of these Macs.


Absolutely. And I think it, like, speaks to what makes Disney so special historically, and why the magic of it is so lasting in ways that really no other sort of theme park can compare to. Because the classic Disney snacks are, you know, not like the one I just mentioned, not tied to a movie that did really well like one of their recent IPs. It's like things that are just so unique and thoughtful, and they've just caught on and they become symbols and icons of the park. I mean, if you talk about a Dole Whip, most people who just have barely any knowledge about Disney know exactly what you're talking about. It is part and parcel of Disney. It is like an iconic thing, and like you said, it just creates memories. People take fun pictures with Dole Whips or, you know, a Mickey-shaped ice cream bar or Mickey Minnie Disney churros, they have found a way to make these snacks just like some attractions or shows or buildings, things that people want to come back to the parks for.


Yeah. And sometimes it's hard to explain why you love something so much. I mean, my son loves the Mickey ice cream bars. My daughter loves the Mickey Oreo ice cream sandwich. Those are like some of their favorites. And I know it's just way overpriced for what it is. But I love roasted corn. I can't even tell you what, and they have it with butter. Then they have it with chili seasoning as well.


I mean, you know, like things that Disney is going to be a little overpriced. But there's just like some sort of lasting I don't know, magic and nostalgia, even though like a Mickey ice cream bar doesn't really taste that much different than, you know, a normal ice cream bar. There's just something about enjoying that in the park that is really unmatched.


It really is. So the one of the things about snacking at Disney isn't candy stores and stuff are open pretty early in the day. But a lot of the carts aren't open until a little bit closer to lunchtime.

Timing Matters for Snagging the Perfect Snacks

Yeah, it's useful, especially if you're like looking for specific things that get an idea when things open, because I don't know how many times I'm just like not thinking and scrolling fully expecting to get what I want immediately only to find that it's not open yet. And it's always like a bummer. So there are like a lot of different pieces to think about if you know something specific you want.


But on the flip side, after nine o'clock, a lot of the restaurants close. So if you are a late-night diner, make sure you have a plan because a lot of the restaurants are closed. And then the mobile order for the ones that stay open can get really backed up. So sometimes I'm like, 'Okay, well, it looks like we're doing turkey legs and quarantine night' or 'It looks like it's a churro for dinner' kind of night.


Yeah, absolutely, you definitely have to take advantage of the fact that there's so much useful information in the app, or you know what other tools are out there for you to use, because things will close earlier than you expect. And like you mentioned, quick-service order windows will get pushed far out. For instance, like Disneyland, if you know you want something from Jolly Holiday, you should plan ahead to order it when you get to the park because that place order window can sometimes be pushed two or three hours out, especially if there's an event or it's a special season or something. So you definitely want to plan ahead for something like that.


The mobile order is great, but you can't rely on it. Like, sometimes you might look at nine, you're like, 'Oh, won't be a problem.' But by the time it gets close to lunch or dinner, it's so far out, and then you have to replan. And if you're already stressed or tired, it can be just something that pushes you over the limit. So I'm kind of with you. I say get into the park, book your first Lightning Lane. If you're going to use Genie Plus, as you're waiting in line in the first attraction, mobile order for lunch and just have it ready. You can always move that time later.


Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, take advantage of the fact, like you said, you can modify it and push it later. Or you can even cancel it if, yeah, as long as you don't hit the 'I'm here to prepare my order' button, you can cancel it; it won't actually charge you. But if you are there and you have a set time limit, especially if you're there for a vacation, you only have a certain amount of time. It's more work on the front end, but it will pay off so much if you know your meals and snacks, if you have an idea to just play in our head.


One of the things that we built in Park magic is you can like filter for where they serve the turkey legs. And you can look at all of the different snacks, and then you can save them and then add them to your trip. But I think that there are some snacks that we just need to give them their own minute.

Your Options for Scoring A Dole Whip

We've talked about the Dole Whip because the Dole Whip is so iconic, and it's available in two locations. It's available for mobile order only now in front of the tiki room and then at Tropical Hideaway. If you love the tea room and you've always wondered whatever happened to Rosita, Rosita is now available in the Tropical Hideaway, so make sure you stop by and take a picture. I got way too excited about that.


If I remember right, the one that's at the tiki room, you may only be able to get the traditional pineapple soft serve which the hideaway you can get like multiple options, which it's always so frustrating because I want a mobile order so badly and that the hideaway is often very long. So it's always a tough one.


And it’s so long because they have the dole whip in different flavors. They usually have like strawberry and watermelon, but then they also have these bowel buns and the lumpia which are really popular. And my husband had both of them and he was like you know when something's really good, he's like they're not good. He gave me that like, man, if you knew how delicious this was, you'd be upset you can't have it. So he really liked them, but I actually don't like dough lips that much.


Is it like a pineapple thing? Or is it like the sauce?


It’s just like too much pineapple. I love three bites. But then after three bites, I'm like this is just too much for me.


So I often go the hideaway route because I like to get more than one flavor because honestly I was not a huge pineapple flavor person until I got into Dole Whip. Kind of converted me, but I almost always get it like a swirl, usually pineapple and mango, so that I'm getting another flavor and not just pineapple, because it can be a lot.


It can be and now, you can get Dole Whips in some places outside of the park. So that's kind of fun.

Upgrade Your Churro Experience

I think one of the other really iconic ones is the churro. I haven't had a Disneyland churro because I've been gluten-free for like 14 years. But I can still remember the way that it tasted and the way that it felt like when you got a hot one. And the key is, you do want to try to make sure you can try to get a hot one because they taste very different from cold. But now they have a lot of these special churros. Do you want to talk a little bit about that?


Yeah, I love Disneyland tours. And from everything I hear, I feel like people are gonna come out because they're like, 'I'm hating on Disney World, but I really do love Disney World. I'll be there in a couple of weeks.' But everyone I've heard says that Disneyland trails are far superior. I've never had an intro at Disney World so it can't be attached to it. But yeah, often we have really cool and find seasonal or special flavored churros. A couple of my favorites: I really love when they do the lemon one. It's usually one of the carts in DCA when they do it. I just generally love lemon-flavored things. So that's always nice. And when they do the fluffernutter one, which has like a lot of peanut butter on it, I'm a big fan of that one, too.


I know a lot of people were flipping out over the Haunted Mansion, one that was recently coming out.


Yeah, I didn't try that one. Because if I remember right, I saw someone try it. And it was just overly sweet or something like that. And I'll admit as much as I love pastries and snacks, if it's too sugary sweet, I don't always love it.

Popcorn and Pretzels in the Parks

So if somebody's looking for something a little bit more savory. I really like the classic popcorn bucket. I don't know why it tastes so different. The popcorn and the ice cream just tastes different to me at Disneyland.


And they do something with the popcorn smell just when you're walking into the park. Walking down Main Street, it's like the air is pumped with popcorn butter, so you're just like, both are so happy but also want popcorn. I think popcorn is great for an appetite if you want something on the go as you're leaving the park, like for the drive home. I think it's also a really good option, but I definitely love popcorn if I really need a savory snack. Something else that is Mickey-shaped - I think I'm just like a sucker for Mickey-shaped things - but I love a typical just plain Mickey salted pretzel.


Yeah, and there's a lot of talk about, 'Is the pretzel good? Is the pretzel not good?' But there are a lot of people that really love that pretzel. Are you pro-cheese or, you know, cheese?"


I can eat cheese and I can enjoy it but generally I like it just a pretzel with some salt on it.


They look delicious. Yeah, those are some of the other things that I like one day maybe.

Taking on the Giant Turkey Legs

I love smoked and barbecued foods, certainly coming from Texas. But a turkey leg, I admit, is one thing I have never tried at Disney just because of the logistics of it, right? Like they are huge and they are so messy-looking. And I just, like, a turkey, inherently, is meant to be walked around with. I'm like one too clumsy of a person, but, like, when you get it on something and just like look, not cute-looking eating a turkey walking through the park.


So I ordered one, and I was lucky with my husband, and I, like, jammed my face and took a bite, and I was like, 'I'm pro stretchy pants, guy.' Yeah, exactly. You're eating it on the go. There is really no other option than, like, literally just jamming your face into it. But sometimes, if I'm sharing it with kids, we'll go over to Rancho del Zocalo and get some forks and knives and, like, cut it up. There you go. Yeah, I feel like it's a different experience for sure.


Absolutely. So props to people who can pull it off, and I just, like, I haven't been brave enough yet.


It's definitely not a first date food. So if somebody's taking you to Disneyland don’t go for the turkey leg.


No kidding. Definitely not.

Chasing Chimichangas

Have you ever had chimichangas? Are they good?


I have. It's so funny you bring that up. Also, I've only had the breakfast one. And so we're talking about the cart that is in Frontierland, right? That's close to the Mark Twain boarding area.


And the Mark Twain is like a big white steam boat. If you don't know what the Mark Twain is, it's on the shore of Rivers of America. It's awesome, but go ahead.


Yeah. I've never had the lunch one but I've had the breakfast one. But for some reason, the chimichanga as far as I know, has been around for a while, at least a couple of years, if not longer. I had years ago. But for some reason in the past like one to two months, there has been so much on social media of people trying it trying to get to it because it does kind of sell out sometimes fast in the mornings. But there's just been this renewed eagerness to get this and try it which I think it's just so funny when things that happened at Disney where it's not like actually a new thing but it's just like for some reason hits a trend. But yeah, I actually really enjoy the breakfast Chimichanga if you get it with us all sat down. Yeah, I'm a big fan.


Well, and that one's a good one too because there's not a lot of breakfast, like to-go breakfast in the park. Definitely. Yeah, you know, it's one thing that you grab and eat in line. And I always like to remind people that you can eat and drink in line. But as soon as you get close to boarding, they're going to make you throw it away. So if you're somebody that it will break your heart to throw away a $13 turkey leg half-eaten, bring some Ziploc bags, and you can eat it and then bring it back out. Because some of them are a snack and a half.


Yeah, definitely. Yeah, plan ahead if you want to say that.

Cozy Cone Favorites

Now, there's one in California Adventure, the whole Cozy Cone, you know, I haven't really been able to do much of those. It's just like gluten city over there. But do you have any favorites in that area?


Yeah, I love Cars Land. I think it's one of the best-designed areas Disney has ever done. The cones, I'm a frequent visitor there. One has like a very just plain vanilla soft serve, and one of the cones is really nice on a hot day. One is popcorn-focused, so you can get, you know, flavored popcorns and maybe some people would call it a meal, but I think of it as a snack. But like getting the chili con queso. And the cones are really good too. They also, like, you know, have drinks and stuff there too. So it's very cool because each cone is themed to a specific type of food. And they have seasonal stuff. They're all in cones. And so there's a lot of options there. I'm a big fan.


Yeah, they look really fine. Like isn't there like a mac and cheese in the cone too?


Yeah, there's a mac and cheese one that I've had a couple times. Yeah, that's a good option too.


One thing that's different on that side of the park is they have the turkey leg that's over by Golden binary, which is kind of like as you're walking past the park, pass the big waterfall.


Yeah, I haven't had that because of the turkey leg. But yeah, I do love sriracha so maybe one day I need to try that.

Gluten Free Options at Poultry Palace

Have you done the poultry Palace?


I haven't. Someone not too long ago, like, made a comment on one of my tech talks. I was, like, trying to find unfrequented areas in the parks. And someone mentioned how right behind Poultry Palace is like a really great, quiet but small viewing area and shaded area. You can watch Incredicoaster launch. I've never eaten there either. But a lot of people in the comments were, like, it was very mixed reviews. So I haven't eaten there yet. So have you tried the food there?


Yeah, so they have corn turkey legs, which I know you haven't done the turkey legs, but then they also have like a three chicken leg. It looks like a happy meal. And it's just got three chicken legs. They're gluten-free, but they are pretty heavily seasoned and not just like with salt and pepper. Like they've got like a little bit of, I don't know, I'm not good at identifying spices, like paprika, cumin or something like that. Okay, yeah, but you know, they are pretty tasty. My really picky kid was like, 'No, I want a taco.' But my son really, really liked them.


Well, that's good that they had that as a gluten free option then.

The Little Red Wagon: The Magically Delicious Corndogs at Disneyland

And then the corn dog is alway, I feel like people want to talk about the corn dogs too.


Oh my god. Yes. I love the corn dogs. They're like, definitely, you know, heftier snack, I guess. But the State Fair in Texas is like something I grew up going to and still go back to, and like, state fairs, corndogs are a big deal. And there are amazing corndogs at the Texas State Fair. But I think the Disneyland one, it rivals it. It is so, so good. And you have an option in both DCA and in Disneyland, and you can mobile order both. So yeah, I'm a huge fan of the corndog there.


And I think that it's important to mention that the corndog that everybody freaks out about, there's a little red wagon over the end of Main Street that you can mobile order from. And so if you're looking for corn dog I know it doesn't make sense that the corndog is called red wagon, but it's over like between Plaza in Anka first aid station. And I feel like those are the iconic Disneyland corndogs.


Yeah, definitely.


They have a corn dog Castle over at California Adventure, but I hear it's not quite as good.


Yeah, and the Corn Dog Castle. I know they had the hot link or the spicy version at Corn Dog Castle, but I can't remember if there is that one, the wagon too. So maybe there's just more options at the Corn Dog Castle.

More Can't Miss Snacks in the Disneyland Resort

And like those snacks, you can kind of eat those throughout the day. Do you ever do, like the fruit carts? They have a couple of marketplaces around both parks where they have big things of ice and they have like different kinds of fruit and things on those lines.


I haven't ever bought the fruit at the stands but I'm trying to remember, there’s, it's like a frozen apple juice. Oh it's at Maurice's, that's right.


Which is right over by the castle kind of over where the Royal Princess Hall is?


Yeah, exactly. Yeah, so I'm a big fan of frozen apple juice because it's refreshing.


My daughter really liked that. Are there any other like being camp Miss snacks that you have?


I think one of the, like, iconic Disneyland ones is also Jolly Holiday's and Matterhorn Macaroon. When I started going to Disneyland and I was like looking up, what things do I need to try to eat? That was one of the things that came up, and I got that the first time I ever went, and it's like one of my favorite things still. So I think that's a big go-to one. But other than the beignet, yeah, my, like, favorite overall. And it's like totally different. It's also sweet, I guess like I tend more to sweet snacks. There's a peanut butter and chocolate sandwich that they have in some of the sweet shops. It's like at the Candy Palace at the front, and it's at Pooh Corner and Critter Country on a big hand. Peanut butter so it's just like the chocolate and peanut butter not cold it's like room temperature sandwiched I really like.


That sounds really good. So they have this thing called cheerio toffee which is coffee with like this cinnamon sugar for the cheerio. Yeah, everybody. I feel like every three posts on Instagram right now is churro toffee.


Yeah, it's like another one of those things where it's like around for a little bit and for some reason right now it's like going crazy. But yeah, I love cheerio toffee. Also, I like get it more selectively because I just know how much sugar I'd take you get every time I get one. But it's, it is really, really good.


I'm going next week and that’s one of the things that I'm like, I'm gonna get this one because I've seen it posted so many times. But it's like $7 or something for a little square. So last time I looked at it I was like, I just can't stomach that right now.


Yeah, it's definitely on the pricier side if you have a magic key and helps to use your discount. But yeah, it's not a cheaper one.

Caleb's Favorite Attraction: Haunted Mansion

Let's go ahead and let's do a lightning questions because I think it's kind of fun to like talk to different people and find out like what are their biggest things? So what is your favorite attraction at Disneyland or California Adventure?


Haunted Mansion, my all time favorite Disney attractions.


I love Haunted Mansion. We do a Haunted Mansion for our Halloween decorations. And we have like 300 trick or treaters come by.


Oh my god! It's amazing.


Yeah, so we've developed a whole bunch of stuff. Here's the thing about Haunted Mansion. Are you pro holiday overlay when they do the Nightmare Before Christmas? Do you like it better like that? Or do you like the OG right?


I like the OG better. I love both. And I've gotten to do it last year. I actually got to do this really cool walkthrough while they're turning it over for a holiday. And so this time last year, I got to do a walkthrough while they were finishing it up, which was just like the most amazing experience ever. I think it's fullest. I think like of all the things I've gotten to do at Disney that is the coolest for me because I just like whoa, Haunted Mansion so much. But yeah, I love the holiday version. I really enjoy it. I do, you think it kind of goes a little long during the year, I get why it's there, the whole Halloween season and the whole Christmas season. But maybe if it like started in October and then ran to like the end of December, but I really do enjoy it. But for me, it's like the original is still the best.


I always have scarcity when it changes like when it's going to change over to Nightmare Before Christmas, then I'm always like, you know, I gotta write it a whole bunch of times because I'm not going to get to experience this because now it's like October, November, December, January, halfway into January, really? And then when they switch it back, I'm like, Oh, I won't get to do the Christmas one for a while. Yeah, exactly.

Caleb's Favorite Table Service: Mickey's Adventure Breakfast at the Grand Californian Hotel

What is your favorite table service restaurant or menu item?


Favorite table service overall? Is probably storytellers. Well this is technically not in the park. Is that okay? Yeah. Overall, it's storytellers breakfast slash brunch, which is in the Grand Californian hotel, and it's a character breakfast.


And that's the one where you're guaranteed to see Mickey.


Yes, usually you see a like Mickey, Minnie, Chip, and Dale. Or sometimes, maybe Donald and Daisy come out some and sometimes Goofy, but yeah, Mickey and Minnie are always there. For sure.


Normally, buffets aren't really safe for allergy families. If you let them know ahead of time and you talk to the chef they'll make you things that are free from cross contamination so don't feel like that's off the table for you.


I don't even have like allergy restrictions. But one time I was there, and I was doing like a month of no processed sugar, and they brought me sugar-free syrup, which I was just like didn't even expect the DAB so they are like definitely very ready to help out with whatever you know food restrictions you have.

Caleb's Favorite Show: Fantasmic

What is your favorite show? Or meet and greet?


Overall my favorite show is Fantasmic which is why I'm super sad right now because we don't have Fantasmic after the fire.


Murph isn’t coming back!


At least not for a while, yeah, I still have hope that they will give us a new Dragon, whatever that may be named informally. But yeah, we don't have Fantasmic! It's crazy until sometime next year. For me, I love fireworks, like I love things like that. But watching Fantasmic! on the river, just standing casually by the river, watching it all happen, is just like one of my favorite Disney moments ever.


You know, seeing all the characters come by on the boat. It's so much fun. I'm eagerly waiting for that to come back bigger and better. Hopefully.


Hopefully so.

What is in Caleb's Park Bag

So you know, I'm a backpack person. George, our co-founder, is like he goes in with just his wallet in his phone. What do you bring into the parks when like, what's in your bag or pockets when you head in?


It kind of depends. If I'm there for like a longer time, then I take like a backpack because I'll have things in there: a water bottle, like a refillable water bottle, phone charger just in case. If I'm there for a long day, almost inevitably, I'm going home with something that I buy. So it's good to have that carry around. But if I go for like a shorter trip, then I wear just like a crossbody, a little bit smaller and easier to carry around. But I always have like my phone, like Chapstick, and hand sanitizer. So it's like my basics. The annoying thing with the crossbody is like I'm just like an avid water drinker, especially like right now in the summer. So I have to like stop at quick services along the way and just get the free water because I'm not carrying one around.


I have to drink a lot of water. And I found this water bottle that collapses. So when it's empty, it's like really flat and I really like it. But then when you fill it up, you have to make sure you don't squirt yourself in the face.




Definitely look like I had gotten off of water, right?


Yeah, totally.


I want to thank you so much for coming on the show. It's been really, really fun talking to you. You want to go ahead and follow Caleb on Caleb G travels. That's on YouTube, and then you're on Instagram and Tiktok as well, right?


Yeah, it is. That's right. And thanks so much. This has been really fun, always very excited to talk about food, especially when it comes to Disney food.


Disney food is the best!



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